So the decision was made to do a very low-tech reef-aquarium. The aquarium was set up using the Jaubert plenum method, which is essentially an empty void below a deep sand bed (DSB), that consumes a saltwater aquarium's nitrate.
If you wish to have a more detailed understanding of the Jaubert method, DSBs, or the nitrogen-cycle in general, please feel free to ask or do some googleing, it's well worth learning if you're thinking of getting into any aspect of keeping aquariums.
Fish can tolerate relatively moderate levels of nitrate in aquarium water, corals however, require as low a nitrate level as possible to thrive. Ergo our Jaubert plenum. The plenum was constructed using an under-gravel filter plate that was zip-tied to 1-inch pvc elbows (drilled every which way to facilitate diffusion) and wrapped in fiberglass window screen.
This assembly was placed in the bottom of the tank and covered with 3.5-inches of crushed coral gravel (thank you Jar Jar). A layer of fiberglass screen was laid down and 2-inches of fine aragonite sand (thank you Rick) topped of the sand bed. This sand bed will be the heart of the system. I've used the Jaubert method several times before, and while apparently it's a source of controversy within the reef-keeping community and has fallen out of favor lately, I have used this approach with great success and intend to continue doing so.
For equipment we have an Aqueon 30 power filter, Ebo-Jager 75-watt heater, and ESU remote digital thermometer. The current lighting is a 15-inch 8000k daylight bulb, eventually this will be upgraded but it will do fine for the first few months. That's it! Yes, that's right, no protein skimmer - we don't need one! If you consider that a reef-keeping sin, just wait I'm going to commit an even worse one...
If you wish to have a more detailed understanding of the Jaubert method, DSBs, or the nitrogen-cycle in general, please feel free to ask or do some googleing, it's well worth learning if you're thinking of getting into any aspect of keeping aquariums.
Fish can tolerate relatively moderate levels of nitrate in aquarium water, corals however, require as low a nitrate level as possible to thrive. Ergo our Jaubert plenum. The plenum was constructed using an under-gravel filter plate that was zip-tied to 1-inch pvc elbows (drilled every which way to facilitate diffusion) and wrapped in fiberglass window screen.
This assembly was placed in the bottom of the tank and covered with 3.5-inches of crushed coral gravel (thank you Jar Jar). A layer of fiberglass screen was laid down and 2-inches of fine aragonite sand (thank you Rick) topped of the sand bed. This sand bed will be the heart of the system. I've used the Jaubert method several times before, and while apparently it's a source of controversy within the reef-keeping community and has fallen out of favor lately, I have used this approach with great success and intend to continue doing so.
For equipment we have an Aqueon 30 power filter, Ebo-Jager 75-watt heater, and ESU remote digital thermometer. The current lighting is a 15-inch 8000k daylight bulb, eventually this will be upgraded but it will do fine for the first few months. That's it! Yes, that's right, no protein skimmer - we don't need one! If you consider that a reef-keeping sin, just wait I'm going to commit an even worse one...
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